The importance of today will only truly be understood by 91,585 other Marshmallows. However, for those that strive to understand me or just want some clarity let me attempt to share the utter joy and exuberation  that is today. For that we will have to go back. Not to September 22, 2004 when the first episode of Veronica Mars out, but to January 10, 2010.

This was an uneventful day as far as I remember beside the fact that the album My Dinosaur Life came out. Now to this point in time Motion City Soundtrack had long been beloved by myself. Seeing them live was one of the best shows of my life and when my band shirt of theirs was ruined in the flood I was devastated. So having a new album out was something to be noted. I picked up a copy and it didnt leave my car. Ever. Yes, I was one of those people that bought physical copies of cd's. And I listened to it on repeat. I took in the lyrics and felt the emotions. Some words stuck more than others and some songs became anthems.

Months went on and the cd stayed where it was and life continued. Until it stopped. One day my dad left and my world fell apart. I was filled with so many emotions that I couldn't understand and sleep availed me. I would lay awake as my mind couldn't stop. I found little relief in the hours that weren't consumed with school and work and then I found a bandaid. I had noticed that on the third track of our feature album the song talks about falling asleep watching Veronica Mars. So I decided to follow the lyrics of Her Words Destroyed My Planet and found Veronica Mars. I watched all 3 seasons in what feels like moments.Sleepless nights were filled with VMars.  Meanwhile I was seeing a counsellor to learn to cope and the crazy thing was her son had just passed away from cancer and I realized this grieving mother and I were really similar, we both ran and watched Veronica Mars to cope.

So Veronica Mars was so much more than a tv show that I enjoyed. It was a crutch, it was a bandaid, it was a relaxant, it was a friend, a confident, a comfort. So when the three seasons ended and I felt like closure was not had I felt like something important was missing. Since then I have seen it all several times and treasure my dvds yet I always have wanted more. 

So when a Kickstarter happened last year I was on it. Day one I was like have my money I need this movie. But so were 91,585 people that knew how much this movie meant. And oh did they make the process amazing. As I sit here writing I am wearing my official kickstarter vmars tshirt and staring at the script. Yes, they gave us the script. I am dying to know more. But have promised myself I will wait til we see it in the theatre tonight. Then I will read it and rewatch it, probably tonight. I cant help it. I have waited nearly 4 years for this day. So as much as this movie may seem like another show to cross the theatres or like a trend it means so much more to me, it is closure to an era that was difficult but found relief in characters created by Rob Thomas.

So today the world is a better place. We have closure. We have more. We have Veronica Mars.


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